It will be very inconvenient to have to communicate your ideas and requirements through an intermediary, and it will take more time to correct errors in the operation.

Website is an important tool when users want to publicize and promote information to a certain audience. In the past, it was impossible to design and operate a website for non-specialists on their own. Users always need help from a third party to help them do it. It will be very inconvenient to have to communicate your ideas and requirements through an intermediary, and it will take more time to correct errors in the operation.


Along with the development of technology, BOM Software Joint Stock Company has launched a Web Editor website design tool integrated on Hosting management software (WE) to help users overcome the disadvantages of the web design. Design and operate a traditional website. With WE, thousands of international standard templates are available for your convenience. The templates will be updated regularly to keep up with the trends and suitable for all uses. The operations on WE are programmed to be user-friendly, so you do not need to be a person with high technology expertise. With just simple drag and drop operations, in a short time, you can completely get used to how to use and actively use a website.


More specifically, if you go with WE, the website operation will be done by yourself without going through anyone else. This will help you unleash your creativity and initiative with your website. WE makes it easy to create articles, update content and install SEO for your articles. In bad cases like the website has a software error, WE's technical team will fix the problem immediately so as not to affect your work.


With all the above strengths, with only 180,000 VND/month, you can design and operate your own website without having to spend any extra costs for a third party.